Welcome to my new life

I hope as I tell you the events of my life in Romania you will enjoy and find it as interesting as I have.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

So much to do!!!!!!

Hello everyone, well there is so much to lately I have to write down what I am doing each day on my calender and really have not much time left to email friends or Blog, ha ha. However I seem to be able to have a quiet day today so here goes. We have had my niece and family here, you remember baby Oliver and Niamh. They have every moment of the visit and loved all the different food they had. I was having a party for some of my friends from the ECC and it was Estela's birthday so it was great to have everyone at my house. I made chili and rice, cold buffet, trifle and summer pudding. It all went down a treat we all laughed and sang , it was a great evening and well worth the hard work to see everyone mixing with each other and having a jolly good time.

It is still very hot on Sunday we all went to Hajni's house in the village and had a nice meal there and more singing and dancing. It was almost 90deg F so the barbecue was done outside but we had to eat indoors it was too hot to go out.The children were fantastic and Niamh sang 5 or 6 songs for us she is a lovely little girl and very well mannered too, of course we had performances from Daniela, Rosie and Alexandra too .

I felt rather fragile come Monday so had a quiet day and studied my Romanian as I had a lesson at 5.30pm. Tina said I had done very well and got fairly good marks for my homework.On the way home there was the most fantastic thunder storm (Fortuna in Romanian) the sky lit up with the streaks of lightning I just managed to get indoors before the down pour, but we do need the rain. The people rely so much on their home grown veg. and it was so dry so they will be pleased and by Tuesday the air was lovely and fresh.

Tuesday and it was Kirsy's last night ( Gosh!!! that went quickly) we wanted to take them to the "Bulzan" for traditional food but they are closed so we went to the Terrace at the Hotel Arad. We had a very good meal and the children played in the gardens. Niamh was heard saying "Oh it is so nice here , I must come again" and we hope they will all come again we shall miss them.

It is Wednesday now and very pleasant outside just warm enough with a slight breeze. Hope to get a few jobs done while it is cooler , so I must get on now. It is the ECC again tonight phew!! I have never been out so much!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I truly appreciate it.

enthusiastic crochetoholic said...

Hey don't grumble about the heat. We haven't had a summer this year in the UK and today it is raining yet again. If you have any spare heat or sun please post them to me.
It sounds like you are having a wonderful time over there. I bet you are so glad that you decided to up sticks and go to live there.

Rosie and Yasmina just out of the bath!!

Rosie and Yasmina just out of the bath!!
My wee adopted Grand children

Watching Tweenis on computer

Watching Tweenis on computer
If your happy and you know it clap your hands!!

Johanna with her Dad

Johanna with her Dad

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

Jackson Here we come!!!!!!!

Jackson   Here we come!!!!!!!
anything you want ,, they got it !!!

Beautiful Roses

Beautiful Roses

My New Apartment

My New Apartment
Hope this is the last move!!!!!!


heralding the spring


1st March

Angie with baby Oliver

Angie with baby Oliver

Bill in the garden with Niamh

Bill in the garden with Niamh
I expect he is teaching her how to grow things

Blanket for baby Oliver

Blanket for baby Oliver
Hope it keeps him cosy