Welcome to my new life

I hope as I tell you the events of my life in Romania you will enjoy and find it as interesting as I have.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008


It was Easter for the Catholics in Arad this weekend but the Romanian Orthodox celebrate Easter at the end of April 27Th being Easter Sunday. It has however still been very quiet as there were still a lot of people not working. Kathy and family celebrate Easter with the Romanians and usually attend the village church along with friends and neighbours. Most Romanians eat spring lamb on Easter Sunday , it is very young lamb and very good tasting.

I am not eating meat at the moment I just seem to have had too much lately
, so have gone vegetarian temporarily. It is a good time to eat veg. the markets are full of the most delicious fruit and veg as you will have seen on my photo's of the market here most of it from the local gardens. The forsythia is out now along the river bank and along the Boulevard the fruit trees are all in blossom, it looks lovely. I saw some great plants in the market too and can't wait to get my tubs planted now for outside and maybe a tree would be good too.

Last Easter here we went on a picnic run by the church in the woods and every one had a great time most people brought a barbecue with them and everyone shared the food, there was music , dancing and games for the children and for the adults so I am hoping we can go again this year. As most things here Easter is a big family time to share good times , meals , walks and time in the park etc. I went into the Red Church ( Lutheran) the other day when I was in town as it was open and all the candles were lit on the altar it really was quite moving.

I don't get many emails these days I think maybe Skype has something to do with it. It is a great way to communicate at very little cost and my Brother and his wife talk to me about three times a week and we have web cams so I try to make sure I have done my hair and look decent ha ha!! I also can speak to my sister on her land line for an hour for about 50p. wonderful!!! Technology has certainly come a long way since I was a nipper hey!! Still for folks like me who have moved away it deserves a big thank you to Skype for helping me keep in touch with family and friends.

Must motivate myself to do some jobs now and wonder what I will write about next??


enthusiastic crochetoholic said...

It sounds like a good Easter I hope that you manage to go on the picnic. It all sounds fun.

I used Skype for a while to stay in contact with my friend in Tenerife but then we lost touch. I didn't download Skype onto this new PCas I had no one to chat with but it is useful to chat with a mic free to overseas friends.

Anonymous said...

definitely need to get me some skype

Rosie and Yasmina just out of the bath!!

Rosie and Yasmina just out of the bath!!
My wee adopted Grand children

Watching Tweenis on computer

Watching Tweenis on computer
If your happy and you know it clap your hands!!

Johanna with her Dad

Johanna with her Dad

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

Jackson Here we come!!!!!!!

Jackson   Here we come!!!!!!!
anything you want ,, they got it !!!

Beautiful Roses

Beautiful Roses

My New Apartment

My New Apartment
Hope this is the last move!!!!!!


heralding the spring


1st March

Angie with baby Oliver

Angie with baby Oliver

Bill in the garden with Niamh

Bill in the garden with Niamh
I expect he is teaching her how to grow things

Blanket for baby Oliver

Blanket for baby Oliver
Hope it keeps him cosy