Welcome to my new life

I hope as I tell you the events of my life in Romania you will enjoy and find it as interesting as I have.

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Welcome Oliver!!

Just to welcome the new addition to our family , my brother Bill and his wife Angie have a new Grandson and a brother for Niamh. Their Mummy , Kirsty was one of the first volunteers to come over to help with the charity, the street kids loved her and are so pleased she is coming again this time with her husband Nick and the children. I hope this time instead of working hard as she did before they will do some sight seeing and have a bit of time with the family.

It has been snowing all day today and looks very pretty but it is freezing, I had to put my boots and thick coat on to take out the rubbish. Glad I opted to stay in and have got lots of jobs done for Angie and Pattie coming next Saturday, can't wait to see them I am sure they will like it here and lots of lovely shops and markets to see . I hope to take them to Timisoara as well (the city of flowers).

Well I will take a break now and watch a film I have down loaded and have a beer or maybe two!! Must try to finish the blanket for Oliver it is almost big enough now.

1 comment:

enthusiastic crochetoholic said...

Lovely baby I bet you can't wait to see him when he comes to Romania. Hope you didn't have too many beers otherwise the blanket might turn out a funny shape!
I bet you can't wait for your visitors to arrive. Hope you have a really nice time showing them around. I am sure they will love it all.

Rosie and Yasmina just out of the bath!!

Rosie and Yasmina just out of the bath!!
My wee adopted Grand children

Watching Tweenis on computer

Watching Tweenis on computer
If your happy and you know it clap your hands!!

Johanna with her Dad

Johanna with her Dad

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

Jackson Here we come!!!!!!!

Jackson   Here we come!!!!!!!
anything you want ,, they got it !!!

Beautiful Roses

Beautiful Roses

My New Apartment

My New Apartment
Hope this is the last move!!!!!!


heralding the spring


1st March

Angie with baby Oliver

Angie with baby Oliver

Bill in the garden with Niamh

Bill in the garden with Niamh
I expect he is teaching her how to grow things

Blanket for baby Oliver

Blanket for baby Oliver
Hope it keeps him cosy