Welcome to my new life

I hope as I tell you the events of my life in Romania you will enjoy and find it as interesting as I have.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Shopping in Arad

Well I have been busy shopping for things for my new apartment I haven't had time to do my blog. On Monday I went to look at voile curtains I have nice blinds, but wanted curtains to dress the windows and look pretty and homely. The textile shop I went to on Strada Eminescu is fantastic . It makes me laugh when people say Romania is a backward country , I think UK have a lot to learn. The array of curtains and soft furnishings is awesome, They have a bedding department too and splendid haberdashery. I also thought I would call at the Piazza Mica ( big market) and get my fruit and veg. and some freshly baked bread it's yummy.

Tuesday I was off out again and had a hair cut and blow wave then met Helen a Scots lady who has lived here 10 years. We had a coffee in town , called for sheets of pork ribs at the Alimentara then she ran me home and we had Yorkshire tea and digestive biscuits and chatted.

Wednesday I have Rosanna she stayed last night and practised her knitting , she is doing very well and doing the purl stitch too.We had breakfast and did some cleaning then off to town again to pick up the curtains and called at Billa for food etc. So at least I have had a productive week so far.

It is only 17 days now to my visitors coming I can't wait and they are bringing goodies with them , Oxo cubes , jellies mixes for chili and bassets liquorice allsorts ha ha . Hope you like the pictures of the markets.


enthusiastic crochetoholic said...

Even though you can't get Oxo cubes or Bassetts liquorice allsorts your shopping looks more interesting and far fresher than our UK supermarkets with their tired looking veggies. Most things in the UK are shrink wrapped as people are far too "germ" concious and I can't remember how long it is since I saw a sheet of pork ribs hanging in a butcher's shop. I am going to a farmer's market on Sunday where hopefully the veg will look as tasty as yours.

Anonymous said...

Although Angie and her Pattie are bringing lots of goodies from England it is my wonderful brother William who has go to the shops for everything!!!

Rosie and Yasmina just out of the bath!!

Rosie and Yasmina just out of the bath!!
My wee adopted Grand children

Watching Tweenis on computer

Watching Tweenis on computer
If your happy and you know it clap your hands!!

Johanna with her Dad

Johanna with her Dad

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

Jackson Here we come!!!!!!!

Jackson   Here we come!!!!!!!
anything you want ,, they got it !!!

Beautiful Roses

Beautiful Roses

My New Apartment

My New Apartment
Hope this is the last move!!!!!!


heralding the spring


1st March

Angie with baby Oliver

Angie with baby Oliver

Bill in the garden with Niamh

Bill in the garden with Niamh
I expect he is teaching her how to grow things

Blanket for baby Oliver

Blanket for baby Oliver
Hope it keeps him cosy